ZILLION – Zillion

ZILLION - Zillion


Frontiers Records
Release date: July 21, 2004

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Maybe not one in a Zillion, but at least one of many new hard rock bands trying to hit it big by making a mix of classic and melodic rock these days.

Just comparing Zillion to other bands released on the same label, Italy’s Frontiers Records, makes it easy to understand which bands take their fancy this year! But for those of us who love this kind of melodic rock, this is great!

Zillion is the result of a strong collaboration between talented musicians like Sandro Giampietro, Jens Becker and Mike Terrana. All three are well known musicians within the German Heavy Metal and hard rock scene.

Giampietro plays guitar, keyboards, and sings both main and backing vocals on this album. He is formerly best know as playing guitar for the band Supared, featuring former Helloween lead singer Michael Kiske.

Jens Becker plays bass, currently also playing for the Metal band Grave Digger.

On drums is Mike Terrana, who is one of the most respected percussionists in the world, having played with Yngwie Malmsteen and currently also playing with the band Rage.

So even though the guys play with two bands at the same time, it’s easy to hear that these newcomers have put a lot of passion and feelings into their music. Then again they are all experienced musicians!

Just like Kee Marcellos’ band K2, also with Frontiers Records, Zillion have mixed a lot of different acts into their record. In the song “Kryptonite”, maybe an ode to Superman, Giampietro dares to do a little rap. On “Day or Night”, the only real ballad on the album, Giampietro finishes the song of with a typical Pink Floyd guitar solo.

Most of the songs on this album should get a thumbs up from anyone who is into classical melodic hard rock with a twist of something new and exciting. There isn’t really anything to complaint about on this debut, except for maybe the voice is a bit on top of the mix on a couple of the songs.

It’s fun to hear a former guitarist sing so well, basically without any backing help. This album has all catchy choruses and there is a big chance that these choruses will indeed get stuck in your brain! Especially songs like “You and Me”, “This Day is Gone”, “Kryptonite”, and “Day or Night”, just to name a few! And luckily, their songs are not all about love and broken hearts, like so many other German bands seem to write about these days. Zillions’ lyrics are easy and interesting and Giampietros’ voice makes them easy to listen and sing along to. Terrana’s drum play is also brilliant!

Zillion sure is a weird looking bunch, but their music is truly sane and n’sync. They are definitely a band to look out for in the future.


  • Anne-Lene Rodahl

    Anne-Lene was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Oslo, Norway, and she was the first ”gal” on board!

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