LIGEIA – Gloria

LIGEIA - Gloria


Iron Glory Records
Release date: 2004

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

The first song on this female-fronted German Power Metal band’s CD already had me looking for a skip button, which is not a good sign. Most of these songs would sound better as 30-second sound bites. It sounds like they have just added a few words between the choruses, and not the other way around, which is how it’s usually done. I was tempted to start counting which song takes the dubious honor of having the most repeats of the song title in it. Sheer repetition is the fastest way to make the choruses stick into listeners’ heads for good, but it’s a surer way to make them tired of hearing the songs even faster. That was the first impression.

This album is actually two years old already, since it’s taken that long for the band to settle their disagreements with their old label and to get this album out on a different label. Gloria is Ligeia’s second album, by the way.

If you can get over the lyrical content, and you have a taste for German Power Metal then this album is not half bad. Singer Dani has a strong and clear voice, which has already been compared to that other female singer from Germany who fronted Warlock. Warlock and Manowar influences can easily be heard on these anthems, which I imagine probably sound better in a live environment. Most of these songs have fast guitar licks, pounding drums, and clear choruses, and are custom made for thrusting your fist into the air in unison with the rhythms to sing along to.

What is a “Walpurgisnight,” besides being the most versatile song on offer here? The song starts with a slow intro and builds up speed. It also has the most versatile vocal delivery going from growling to whispering, and you also get to hear Dani’s nasty laughter. By listening to “Silence,” the mandatory ballad that ends this album, you can draw your conclusions on Dani’s and Doro’s likeness and differences.


  • Metal-Katie

    Katie was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. She claims to have been born a Metalhead. At least she's been one as far as she can remember. She loves Metal music and she's ever so happy to see generation after another founding its charm. She's always interested in hearing new Metal bands and reading about them and their antics. She lives and breathes Metal, or at least her alter ego does.

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