EKTOMORF – Destroy


Nuclear Blast
Release Date: March 8, 2004

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Hailing from Hungary comes Ektomorf, ready to destroy the world with their fifth release, Destroy. Ektomorf has been around since 1994 and was formed by two brothers, Zoltan Farkas and Csaba Farkas. Zoltan is the vocalist and a guitarist, while Csaba is the bassist for the band. Joining them are Jozsef Szakacs on the drums and Tomas Schrottner, who also plays guitar. Putting in their time and producing quality thrashcore metal has resulted in the bands current record deal with heavyweight Nuclear Blast.

When the band started to work on Destroy, the inspiration was simple. According to Zoltan, “All the things that came in my mind were about destroying.” What a great way to create a thrash metal album.

Ektomorf is most often compared to Soulfly and Sepultura, though their music most resembles mid-age Sepultura and early Soulfly. These comparisons are just and not meant to slight the band in any way. Everything from the music style, to the vocal style, to the socially aware lyrics, are reminders of a Max Cavelera inspired band. Also, Ektomorf use hints of gypsy music in their songs, just as Sepultura and Soulfly use tribal beats, instruments, and vocals. This gives the band a sound that is definitely unique.

The gypsy music is immediately recognized on the first track, “I Know Them.” The drums usher in the CD and a gypsy style chant brings in the guitars before all hell breaks loose. From here, the song is bass and guitar driven as it constantly grinds. The guitars are down-tuned, and are reminiscent of the sound that many nu metal bands have made popular. Don’t think this is a nu metal album; this is definitely a thrash album with hints of hardcore thrown in.

The title track is next up on the disc and it is appropriately named. As fast paced and hard as “I Know Them” is, “Destroy” just goes one step beyond. The intensity of a mosh pit is easily pictured when listening to this song. Destruction is definitely the name of the game for this song, as it definitely demonstrates that Zoltan’s quote is not bullshit.

“Gypsy” begins with a more classical thrash sound. Faster guitars and drums are more apparent on this track. The grinding bass does eventually make its appearance, but a nice guitar solo offsets this to give the song a flavor of its own. Zoltan also has one hellacious scream in this song. Just as one starts to wonder if there will be any gypsy music on this track, a chant, accompanied by guitar, begins and fades out the song.

The guitars that begin the track “From Far Away” hint that something is different about this track. Sure enough, the song slows down and has over-riding guitar rhythms throughout. The guitars may or may not be gypsy motivated, but the chants that end the track are, without a doubt. The difference here is that the chanting at the end is all done a cappella, which gives the song a distinctive sound.

“You Are My Shelter” begins as a combination of “I Know Them” and “From Far Away”. This may be the strongest song vocally, as Zoltan varies his vocal style throughout the song and actually does sing. His voice is never going to be nominated for a melodic award, but it is perfect for this band. Fading out this track is a nice acoustic guitar interlude.

“No Compromise,” “Everything,” “Painful But True,” and “Only God” do not really set themselves apart from the other tracks, but are definitely written for the mosh pit and for anyone that feels like destroying something. Without a doubt, these would be great songs to see live.

The track “A.E.A.” is an anthem for the entire collection. Band members all yell A-E-A together, and the music has a great grind to it. The end has a yell that would make most people mute and grinds out slowly. This is another one for the mosh pit.

“From My Heart” is a short intermission from the bludgeoning that has been occurring. A tribal style guitar highlights the track and the track shows that Ektomorf can write some nice melodies. The spirit is much like what Soulfly actuates with their self-titled instrumentals.

Ending the CD is the appropriately named, “Tear Apart.” The song just reeks of fucking shit up and shows the anger of the band. What else could the lyrics, “I am angry, I am fucking angry,” mean?

With a few exceptions, Destroy is a soundtrack for destruction. Ektomorf expresses this in unique ways. Any fan of thrash and hardcore will enjoy this disc. Now, go break something already.

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