JUGULUR – Planet Dead


Sore Throat Music
Release Date: July 1, 2003

User Review
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With a name like Jugulur, you have to expect a visceral, and well, damn bloody and violent sound. With Planet Dead, that’s exactly what you get.

Jugulur is an American, West Coast band, with members Crum on drums, Monster on bass, Ash playing guitar and Blaze doing vocals. They have a sound somewhat akin to Pantera, albeit not as thrashy and more diverse, but with songs like “Planet Dead,” you’ll hear a hint of nu metal as well. You’ll get heavy riffing, chugging music, intense vocals and overall great musicianship across the board. These guys know what the hell they are doing, plus, Planet Dead; what a great name for an EP.

The first song, “Torn,” is a cool, thumping, modern sounding metal track. They have discovered some success with this tune, revolving around college and FM radio, in the States and Europe. The bass playing here is vehement, and needs to be cranked up to Spinal Tap’s 11.

The namesake, “Planet Dead,” isn’t their best song. It is rappy, and for lack of a better definition, it seems beneath their talents. It works for the chorus though, with the repetition of “Planet Dead! Planet Dead!” You’ll hear a little Damage Plan in the vocals as well, a cross between barking and rapping. If you like nu metal, then you love this song.

They show their diversity when they hit “Creeper.” This song slows it down in sections, revealing a side you have yet to experience from Jugulur. “So hate me, degrade me, you’re lustful,” is a fun line to sing along to. Lyrically, the words along with the changing tempo of the song might be their strongest delivery. Everything works here.

They show a little more of a “pop” rock side on “Down,” a song heavy as hell but yet melodic, something along the lines of Drowning Pool. This guitar solo is the longest, and best on the EP. Like with Metallica, it’s the riffing that really gets you banging your head here.

You’ll probably have to make the Pantera connection again on the last two tracks, “Pain 4 Sale” and “War Retribution.” With the yell of “Fight! Fight! Fight! Choose your weapon go to war!” on “War Retribution,“ accompanied by machine-gunned double bass, it is an apropos thought. The cool thing about this song is right after the chorus, they do a guitar/voice battle, note for note playing along with/copying each other, while the bass and drums move things along. This is their most intricate composition, with the change in tempo and vocals.

The band has added vocalist Blaze since the EP was released, and you might remember him from reading his former band Mother Mercy’s review. With Blaze in place, Jugulur has a chance to make some big waves.

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