DERDIAN – New Era Pt. 3 – The Apocalypse

DERDIAN - New Era Pt. 3 - The Apocalypse
  • 4.5/10
    DERDIAN - New Era Pt. 3 - The Apocalypse - 4.5/10


Magna Carta
Release date: March 10, 2010

User Review
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Derdian are really big into Epic Power Metal. They also seem to have a fondness for their chosen name. The lyrics of the New Era “saga” centers upon struggles of the people in a fantasy land, which is conveniently named Derdian. Derdian delve into territory that concerns battles amongst men and gods. While listening, you’re introduced to characters like Dorian and Golstar. The story isn’t the least bit easy to get into. It requires a fair amount of understanding of the previous albums.

The music is decidedly outlandish. The soundscape is completely awash in keyboards. Marco Garau’s keystrokes only manage to stifle the overall experience. Joe Cagianelli’s vocals are also an annoyance. He’s got enough range to engage listeners, but he comes off sounding too nasally (and a little less than manly). Enrico Pistolese handles guitars and also contributes the occasional vocal track. In keeping with the New Era’s battle themed raucousness, there seems to be a fight between the screech of his guitar and the pierce of the keyboards.

If there were a genre exclusively for absurd and preposterous Metal, Derdian would fit right in. No doubt, the intentions of the band are good. It’s apparent that they’ve gone to great lengths to create an interesting story. Check out their website and you’ll get a sense of how intensely they believe in their concept. For part three of New Era, the band has compiled a 4000-word essay. Hell, they’ve even got a map for the so-called “Derdian Kingdom.” The commitment this band shows to their chosen concept is admirable, but they’d probably have more success if they didn’t drown their audience in layers of gooey cheese.

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